Comoany News
The characteristics and installation and use of driving - in - type shelves
release time: 2021-01-15Click volume: 82
Goods shall be stored and removed from the same side of the shelf, and shall follow the principle of "depositing before taking". Balanced weight and moving forward forklift can be conveniently driven into the middle of the aisle to store and withdraw goods. Drive-in shelves because of the larger storage density, so the overall investment cost is relatively low; It is used to store a large number of goods of the same type when there are fewer varieties and more quantities and the goods access mode can be predetermined.
Due to its high storage density and high utilization rate of ground space, it is commonly used in cold storage and other places where storage space costs are high. Drive-in racking is ideal for warehousing applications where there is a small variety of goods but a large amount of storage. Forklifts can move freely in and out of the corridors between the shelves to make the warehouse available.
Drive-in racking adopts pallet storage mode, suitable for storing single variety, large quantities of goods; Compared with pallet shelves, the warehouse utilization rate can reach about 80%, the warehouse utilization space rate can be increased by more than 30%, is a high storage efficiency shelf. On the supporting guide rail, the pallets are stored according to the depth direction, one after the other, the goods access from the same side of the shelf in and out, after the first to take, after the first to take, the balance weight and forward forklift can easily drive into the middle of the shelf to access the goods. The investment cost is relatively low, suitable for large horizontal size, fewer varieties, more quantity, commonly used to store a large number of the same type of goods, because of its storage density on the ground space utilization rate is high, often used in cold storage, food, tobacco and other storage space cost of the warehouse.
1. Understand the size of the pallet, fork direction and bearing capacity of the pallet.
2. Size and height of warehouse.
3. Comprehensive data of forklift trucks.
4. Drive-in shelves are also known as corridor-type shelves or through shelves.
5. Forklift trucks can be driven into the roadway to store pallets.
6. Access mode is advanced and then out.
The pallets are stored in the depth direction on the leg shelf of the gallery type shelf, and the goods are stored and taken in and out from the same side of the shelf. The goods are stored and taken after the goods are taken after the goods are stored and taken after the goods are taken after the goods are stored and taken after the goods are taken. The principle of "first in, first out" is followed, and the forklift can easily drive into the middle of the shelf to deposit and take the goods. As the forklift is inside the whole shelf, the driver has to be very careful.
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