Industry News
which storage shelves are usually custom-made?
release time: 2022-02-21Click volume: 83
As a kind of basic storage equipment, storage shelves are widely used in various industries. It has a variety of styles and classifications, different functions and different attributes. The storage shelves need customized processing in terms of supply. So which storage shelves are usually custom-made?
Among the various types of products on the shelf, it can be roughly divided into display shelves, supermarket shelves, special shelves, and storage shelves for bulk goods storage. Many of these storage shelves have their own conventional models, which can be pre-processed and stored for sale. However, most warehouses require customized shelves, and it is necessary to customize according to the different storage conditions of each customer.
There are many types of storage racks, such as beam racks, drive-in racks, cantilever racks, attic racks, shuttle racks, etc. Each rack is given a special purpose. Some are suitable for heavyweight storage, and some are biased towards intensive storage. When processing and customizing these shelves, warehouse shelf manufacturers will optimize the plan and then quote, design, manufacture and install according to the specific storage conditions and specific details of the required units.
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